Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 1 - June 16, 2013

Day one started out with youth from three different churches gathering at Church of the Holy Spirit for a pre-departure service and blessing. Likewise, teams from Hastings and Holdredge gathered to do likewise. After services, teams loaded up and headed out with great expectations of what lay ahead. Many on our team have made this trip several times and the opportunity to renew friendships from past trips was something many were looking forward to. Other than a little rain along the way, none of our teams experienced any difficulties and everyone arrived at St. John’s safely and full of energy after being cooped up in vehicles on the long drive.

The teams were met by Carl, a member of the parish who gave us the usual rundown on what is happening. It is so good to see him again and we are really looking forward to Wednesday evening’s celebration service and dinner with the rest of our host parish. It was then time to begin unloading the trailer. Other than a few broken bottles that fell as a cooler was unloaded, totally uneventful; and before we knew it, things were in their place and our bedrolls were laid out ready for us when the day came to a close. We spent some time getting to know one another as the rest of the team began arriving.

Our first meal together was pizza from Pizza Hut. The local store has always been generous in supporting our team and this year was no different. Thanks to the management, we got a great deal on some great pizzas and stuffed ourselves till we were no longer hungry (we even have some left over for a pizza breakfast). Next our youth explored the immediate area and chilled on the front lawn. It was really nice to hear the laughter and see everyone getting along. While a few adventurous youth took to the large tree in the front yard (before learning they weren’t supposed to) others played cards and did what kids do, have fun.

After a short break to blow off a little steam, the team gathered in the sanctuary to discuss the trip and how we would be working together. We have two new team leaders this year and there were a lot of questions, but in the end, everyone had a good idea of how we would take on the tasks before us. The first task was laid upon our VBS team. Clair took the team aside and they spent a little time exploring the text that will guide tomorrow’s program. Out of this reflection, the team developed an interesting skit to help tell the story and taught us a song to help drive home the point. By the laughter and applause, it was obvious they hit the nail on the head. A little more organizing for tomorrow and some chill time before gathering for Compline.

One of the neatest things to watch is youth leading worship. The laughter stops and the seriousness about what they are doing takes over. It was really a blessing to witness and to participate in. Good job!!!  Well, it is time to say good night, the day is just about over and the lights are out. It is amazing at how quickly the hustle and bustle of youthful exuberance gave way to the peace and quiet of the night.

Pictures - Day 1



Day 2 - June 17, 2013

Day two started out a bit chilly, a brisk 57 degrees, making the morning coffee a welcome relief. As morning wake up approached, more and more of the youth joined the adults in the entryway, some anticipating the first morning wake up tradition and excited to be part of it. However, by the time of wake up, all but 2 girls and 2 boys were up and dressed. This did not stop the group from singing a rousing rendition of “Rise and shine, and give God your glory”. As we already had a head start to the day, things this morning came together quickly. Breakfast was eaten, the trailer loaded, and we still had time to sit and rest before our morning departure prayers. These prayers are a great way to start out, each member of a team (this rotates daily) gets up and shares one thing they wish to lift up to God for the coming day. Some are short sweet and to the point, and others make you sit back and think, wow.

Loaded up and full of energy, the teams head out for Rosebud. The excitement is really peaked and despite kids saying they didn’t get a lot of sleep, almost everyone is wide awake the whole ride there. Unfortunately, upon arrival, our counterpart was not there to meet us. A mix up in communications meant all the time we had gained for the morning, was spent looking around the area and getting the lay of the land. Once Kieran arrived, we popped open the doors to the Aaron Clarke Center and began the day’s preparations. Before we knew it we had everything just right and it was time to head out into the neighborhood and pick up the kids.

The van quickly filled with many of the youth who joined us last year; and some new kids too. Old friendships were quickly renewed and some could not wait to get back and see the rest of the team, asking if this person or that came up this year. As we turned into the street heading to the church, the kids quickly saw our team standing outside the building waiting to greet them. A whole bunch of high fives, numerous hugs, and great big smiles, everyone made their way to the lunch line where Sharon and her youth team served up a couple of really good tacos. We have found this to be a kid favorite (and an adult one too).

Lunch went on a little longer than usual as everyone caught up on the last year, but with the meal behind us, it was time to head across the street to the church for a short bible story and sing along. Our team could not help but notice how quickly the youth picked up on the actions in the song and how they were so engaged in the story. Yet there was no time to sit still, it was off to a nearby field for a little kick ball and duck, duck, goose, goose. It was really great to see everyone having so much fun. After a little while, everyone headed back to the community center for a cool drink and craft time. The crafts Karen and Claire coordinated went over wonderfully and the kids really had a great time putting them all together.

We had one more treat in store for the youth here, one of our groups took the day’s bible story and had turned it into a skit and when they performed it, everyone joined in and at the end the team received a standing ovation. No skit is complete without a snack to go along with it; and as today’s bible story was the parable of the good soil, the kids gathered back in the community center to put together Mud Pies for dessert. The combination of pudding, crushed Oreos, and gummy worms hit the spot. Before we knew it, it was time to take the kids home and pack up for the day.

As we headed back to Valentine, the teams laughed and shared stories of the day’s successes, and excitement began to shift towards “Pool Time”!!! Trailer unloaded, swim suits on, it was off to the pool for a couple of hours of fun in the sun.  Returning to St. John’s, everyone walked down the street to check out the local Dollar General, pick up some snacks, and enjoy the nearly perfect temperature as they waited for dinner. Despite the snacking that went on, when Sharon pulled out the pulled pork, the oohs and aahs began. While there were some leftovers, there wasn’t that much left, hungry teenagers are like that. Another hour of free time after all the dishes were done before gathering around the dinner table in our teams for a bible study using the scripture for tomorrow’s lessons, a look back at the day’s successes, and a reflection on what we could do better in the future.

Sounds like it was one thing after another today, and it was, but when asked, the kids said it was all good and they were ready to go back and do it again tomorrow. But before they can, there was another skit to prepare, some craft prep needed, and some quiet time with Jesus as another team led us in the evening’s Compline service.

All in all, a very good day. For those adults who have been on a few of these trips, we were impressed by the level of teamwork we witnessed, and how quickly things seemed to come together. One young lady (during our daily reflection) noted it was because they remembered us and we didn’t have to jump through hoops to be nice to them. They knew who we were and that we had always gotten along. Someone then shared it sounds more like a friendship, a relationship then a mission trip. What an ah-ah moment that comment was for all. Well, the lights are out, the place is quiet, and it is time for all good bloggers to catch some zzzzs. God bless this day and tomorrow too.

Pictures - Day 2